Saturday, June 22, 2019

The road to UTMB - Chapter 4 - Vegan Power 50k

To be honest, I registered for this race because I’m vegan too and I was interested in meeting with and running with other vegan runners.  It’s been on my radar since last year when I joined the facebook group for it.  Over time I have been warming up to the idea of doing loops.  I have always considered it boring but I have realized that when the going gets stuff, it’s much easier to imagine points you have to reach rather than miles (which might feel like forever at that point).  Though it does work the other way, if the going is rough - you get the option to quit.  I registered in December 2018 for the race and got an interesting intro to the facebook group “Vikram Singh’s ultrasignup page reads like a love story to painfully hard races…” which I hadn’t really thought about but I guess it is sort of true.

The long drive to Western MA from NYC had me fairly tired by the time I got to the race.  Bib pickup was fairly quick.  A plain white shirt with some hammer (nutrition sponsor) products.  There was a real bathroom so I used that and then took a quick nap.  The course is 6 laps on a 5 mile loop and the relay and 50k started together.  Later in the day the 25k started.  The loop was fairly flat trail with some roots here and there to keep you alert and a small muddy section.  The race started with a small speech and it was mentioned that part of the reason of the race was to prove vegans could this without animal protein.  I sort of thought that was odd since ultramarathons and being vegan seems to be pretty common.  

The race started!  The loop starts with a tiny uphill on a dirt road section before hitting the trails.  As soon as we hit the trails, some of the people around me started breathing hard which was sort of alarming to me since it was very early in the race.  I passed a few people shortly and ran behind a man wearing long pants.  I thought it was a bit odd since it was summer but maybe he was from somewhere farther up or was doing the relay and just forgot shorts?  Think it would have been doable for one or two loops.  At the midpoint aid station I passed him.  I got passed a little bit after by two people.

I ended a little behind a Lindsay and followed her till the end of the loop.  At the start of the second loop I passed her but she was close behind.  It sort of pushed me to keep the pace when you have someone behind you.  Eventually we joined Juliene and started talking a bit.  Lindsay has run the 25k race before and is now doing the 50k.  Her brother is also running the race but she considered him the real runner (she ended up being 3rd place female).  Juliene is also from NY - from Peekskill, NY and also a marathon maniac.  She’s primarily a marathoner but has done the finger lakes 50 before.  I think the company really helped me stay strong.  I struggled on the fourth loop and we got passed by Lindsay.  Juliene and I ran up to the last 2 miles together where I was able to pick it up slightly.  I was a bit sad to lose her but we were close to finishing so I wasn’t too worried about her.  

There isn’t much to say about the loop, it’s forested and exactly what the description says.  It’s a singletrack that winds a lot so that makes it a bit more difficult but by the 4th and 5th loop, you’re an expert of the trail.  Like I said earlier, you could start to visualize points instead of mileage so that helps you continue mentally.  I finished in 5:45:47, an 11:06 pace and a massive PR in the 50k distance.  A lot of the assist in this was due to running with people!  Afterwards I hung out and cheered for a bit.  They had vegan pizza which was so great.  I took a picture with Juliene and just relaxed.  Then there was some light rain and I went back to the car.  I should have rested some more but I decided to start driving back.  I had some sleepy miles on the wheel that wasn't smart.  Eventually I stopped at a scenic point and took a quick nap.

This race gave me a strong confidence boost towards UTMB.  Success seems to be on the horizon!

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